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K18 HAIR: Get to Know the Brand

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K18: Regenerative Care
That Goes Against the Grain

Some people stick with the classics, while others prefer to see things differently, with innovation as their second name. K18 Hair is the latter. They approach everything in their own way, but the results always make sense. After 10 years of research, they created the groundbreaking K18Peptide™, which takes just 4 minutes to repair hair damage. Want to know more?

Look for Science Behind Everything

The K18 brand observed two categories of hair products on the market. One group worked on the surface, providing shine and hydration to the hair. The other functioned inside the hair, acting as a temporary adhesive to repair damage. This led to a logical question—could it be done better? A team of scientists set to work, spending years researching, analyzing, and testing every amino acid and peptide sequence forming keratin chains in the hair. And it paid off. They discovered K18Peptide™, which changed the game.

On the Journey to the Depths of the Hair

To understand what makes this peptide so exceptional, let’s look at what hair damage actually looks like. A single strand contains millions and millions of keratin chains that make up the hair's structure. When damaged, for instance by chemical treatments or sun exposure, these chains become weakened and break down, causing the hair to lose its resilience and shine, and leaving us missing that feeling of healthy hair. In such cases, we reach for restorative products. However, these often work like a bandage that elegantly covers up the problem but doesn’t solve it. Their ingredients typically stop just before reaching the inner part of the hair. For real repair, the product must penetrate deep into the hair. And that’s exactly what K18Peptide™ does. It also has the right size to fit in and reconnect broken keratin chains.


4 Minutes to Save Your Hair

But enough about the science—let’s look at the practical side of things: the products containing this miraculous peptide. K18 brand also goes against the grain here. Don’t expect to choose from dozens of products. The selection could be described as minimalist, yet it appeals to a large majority of us. This is because K18 products are vegan and cruelty-free, free from sulfates, phthalates, silicones, parabens, and formaldehydes, and they protect hair color. The range includes two types of shampoos: K18 Peptide Prep Detox Shampoo for occasional use and K18 Peptide Prep pH Maintenance for daily washing. You can also add intensive care with a mask and oil, which need just 4 minutes for the K18Peptide™ to repair hair damage.

A Different Discussion on Sustainability

Sustainability is a term used in all fields, including hair care. K18 also discusses it, but in its own unique way. The brand actually points to the cosmetic industry as one of the main reasons we need to discuss sustainability so urgently. Many brands contradict themselves in this regard. On one hand, they talk about green cosmetics, but on the other, they promote a care routine with many steps that encourages excessive and unnecessary consumption and creates a lot of waste. K18 is clear on this—less is more, even in hair care.

Biotechnology as a Path Forward

The brand also takes a unique view on natural ingredients. It doesn’t claim that its products are purely natural and proudly embraces synthetic components. It explains this with a simple example. If you buy a hair serum with essential rose oil, the process involves 4.5 tons of rose petals, which yields only 450 grams of oil. This doesn’t sound very sustainable. So, perhaps it’s time to rethink traditional technologies and draw more inspiration from biotechnology, which is less resource-intensive.

What does this all mean? K18 doesn’t aim to be trendy but to be better. And that’s why it’s worth paying attention to.