Exclusive distributor for the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Returns and Complaints


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Are you not satisfied with your purchase? You can return the items within 14 days of delivery for free and without providing a reason. It is important that the items are unused and in their original, undamaged packaging. Otherwise, we reserve the right to reject the return or deduct any damages incurred. The return shipping cost is borne by the customer.


How can you return the item?

Submit your return request through the online form above. Send the unused item in its original packaging along with the invoice you received with your order to the following address:

Salon Professional s.r.o.
Pod Bání 8
180 00, Prague – Libeň


When and how will I receive my refund?

Once you receive an email confirming the receipt of your returned items, you can expect your money within 10 business days at the latest. The refund will be processed the same way we received the payment.



If there is anything wrong with an item purchased in our online store, you can file a claim within 24 months (you can find the full warranty terms here). However, please let us know as soon as possible through the online form above. Then send the item together with the invoice you received via email to the following address:

Salon Professional s.r.o.
Pod Bání 8
180 00, Prague - Libeň


We would like to inform you that it is currently not possible to return the items in person.

As soon as we receive the item, we will let you know immediately. The legal period for handling complaints is 30 business days, but we strive to process them as quickly as possible.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at +420 724 165 994 or at reklamace@salonpro.cz


We are here for you!